universitaire - tradução para Inglês
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universitaire - tradução para Inglês

CIUP; Cité Universitaire; Cite universitaire; Cite internationale universitaire de Paris; Cite Universitaire; Cite Internationale Universitaire de Paris; Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris; Maison de Norvège
  • Plan of the Cité internationale universitaire, Paris, France.

university, academic
résidence universitaire      
n. dormitory, residence hall, residence, residency
bourse universitaire      
n. scholarship, financial grant given to a student to subsidize the cost of education


Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CiuP, Cité U) is a private park and foundation located in Paris, France. Since 1925, it has provided general and public services, including the maintenance of several dozen residences housing around 6,000 students and visiting academics in the Île-de-France region. Officially recognized as a foundation of public interest, the CIUP promotes exchanges between students from around the world in a spirit of tolerance.

Exemplos de pronúncia para universitaire
1. And she was at Boston Universitaire, as well.
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Exemplos do corpo de texto para universitaire
1. Le service de pneumologie du centre hospitalo–universitaire de Sétif a organisé, hier, une journée de pneumologie post–universitaire.
2. L‘intellectuel, scientifique, universitaire et écrivain s‘en défend.
3. Institut universitaire des Hautes Etudes internationales.
4. Albert perd sa licence d‘enseignement universitaire. 1'37.
5. Un universitaire entend dynamiter l‘image de l‘écrivain.